It's bad enough getting a cold in the dead of winter.
But getting one Mid-August really bums me out!
That's exactly what is happening now.
First the sour throat, I could barely talk to my customers!
Then the sinus getting all fucked up.
Let's not forget the sinus headaches, and just how little sleep you actually get.
The only positive about this summer time cold is that I was able to watch the kick ass lightning storm roll through at 3am this morning.
I'm gonna have to miss a motorcycle ride that I really wanted to go on. It's really hard to sneeze and blow your nose with a full face helmet on. Hopefully this cold will blow through my body like that storm blew through the metro area last night.
Hard and Fast baby!
Stay healthy if you can and take those vitamins! I really think that they help.
Try to rest, if you can.
Hopefully I'll smell you later!