Hello All,
Below are some websites that are very helpful in todays busy world.
My brother-in-law Adam let me in on these.
Thanks bro. I have used them a lot.
and Google mail, gmail
With jott (after you set up a free acct) you can call it and it allows you to leave msgs for yourself or upto 100 people that you set up. This is very helpful when driving a long and you are not able to write things down!
Remember the milk is a site that helps you manage your tasks. Your Jotts will filter into this site and you can then prioritize them.
Gmail works with Jott also! You can Jott your gmail calender and it will set an appt in your calender.
Check these things out and let me know what you think!
and NO I have not handed out my gmail email acct to anyone yet, not even my lovely wife.